
17th ICA-Conference

17 ICA Conference "Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage", Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-26 May 2023

Presentation of the DigiOrch project by the Project Coordinator Prof. Petros Patias, RSE AUTH, at the 17th Conference on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage which was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-26 May 2023. The Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the Digital of the International Cartographic Association, continuing the tradition of its annual Cartoheritage Conferences, since 2006, organised the 17th ICA DACHi, in partnership with the AUTH – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, supported by the MAGIC – Map & Geoinformation Curators Group.

The Programme has been organised in thematic sessions dedicated to issues relevant to the subjects usually treated in the Conferences of the ICA Cartoheritage Commission, according to its Terms of Reference (2019-2023) and its Working Units.

The Conference is kindly hosted by the Museum of Byzantine Culture of Thessaloniki.

The Conference Board is advising and implementing the overall organisation.

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DIGI-ORCH – Καλές Πρακτικές – ΕΣΠΑ Ανταγωνιστικότητα
